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Kris Knutson
I Pray
Kris A. Knutson
Copyright 2003

I Pray

1. Troubles grip you like ravens claws
Churches burning in a hateful cause
China the unseen giant
Leaders speaking with defiance

2. I pray for world peace
And the hatred to cease
I pray to the god above
And for the child who has no love

3. The lion roars showing no fear
A soldier bleeds empty tears
The woman cuddles her dying child
A government sleeps oblivious to war

4. I pray for world peace
And the hatred to cease
I pray to the god above
And for the child who has no love

5. Crack boy in a drive-by shooting
City on fire people rioting
Souls lost in the violent maze
Minds clouded in the heroin haze

6. I pray for world peace
And the hatred to cease
I pray to the god above
And for the child who has no love

7. Killers on the run
Terrorists in the Middle East
All glory to their worshipped one
Who kills without conscience

8. I pray for world peace
And the hatred to cease
I pray to the god above
And for the child who has no love

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