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girl scout songs
Barges, I would like to go with you,
I would like to sail the ocean blue.
Barges, have you treasures in your hold?
Do you fight with pirates brave and bold?

Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the bargesŐ flickering light.
Silently flows the river to the sea,
As the barges do go silently.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the bargesŐ flickering light.
StarboardŐs shining green and port is glowing red,
I can see the barges far ahead.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the bargesŐ flickering light.
Anchors start to pull and engines start to roar
As the barges pull away from shore.


Out of my window, looking in the night,
I can see the bargesŐ flickering light.
Stars are brightly lighting up the sky
As the barges seem to skip right by.


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