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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Rain, falling down on me
washing away my sanity
Rain, drowning to the core
Soaking into every pore

Oh, how i long to see the setting sun
In a sky of perfect blue
With the sunlight on my face
But there's nothing I can do

Rain, more than I can bear
Levees breaking everywhere
Rain like no time before
Flooding in from every door

Now as I watch the bridges falls
I have lost my will to dream
And i have no voice at all
From a whisper to a scream

Here in the heart of darkness
Here in the eye of the storm

Drowning in a sea of grief
Without escape, without relief
I feel it slowly seeping in my brain
The rain

Rain, swirling in the sky
God I beg you to tell me why
Rain, thundering like Hell
As I watch the rivers swell

Oh how i wish the sun would shine
And the clouds would pass away
But the simple fact remains
That the rain is here to stay

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