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How many times did you threaten to leave me?
How many ways would you make me crawl?
I showed you I cared but you wouldn't believe me
So well prepared just destroy it all
You left so often before
That this time, I merely held the door

Now that you're gone
I find that I'm strong
I can deal with anything
I can handle anything
Yeah I got burned
But what have I learned
I can deal with anything
I can handle anything

Why did you think this would go on forever
You'd say to jump and I'd say how high
That ain't no way to live and I swear that I'll never
Give up again just to live a lie
You take everything you've got
And then complain about what it's not

Now that you're gone
I find that I'm strong
I can deal with anything
I can handle anything
I'm done with your games
And I won't take your blame
I can deal with anything
I can handle anything

I tried so hard for us
Too hard for us
I could not walk away
I worked so long for it
Too long for it
Thank god you didn't stay

Now that you're gone
I find that I'm strong
I can deal with anything
I can handle anything
Yeah I got burned
But what have I learned
I can deal with anything
I can live with anything
I'm done with your games
And I won't take your blame
I can handle anything
I can deal with anything

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