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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

I know a place
where we can go
to be alone

I know a place
where we can crawl to die

Away from here

And please don't you cry
Whip the tears away from your eyes
If we both weren't so sad
Maybe this thing isn't so bad

Yes we both
we ask what we ask for
Yes we both
we ask what we ask for

I know a place
where I can go
to be alone

I know a place
where I can crawl to die

Away from you

And please don't you cry
Whip the tears away from your eyes
If we both weren't so sad
Maybe this thing isn't so bad

Yes we both
we ask what we ask for
Yes we both
we ask what we ask for

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