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Who was it called this romance!
The fool with feathers in his head
A river to be sold down, the book that we both read
An empty lounge in some hotel
A fighter's thoughts before the bell

The film we first held hands at
A song that told us "No Regrets"
We asked for Mother's handouts, you ask and we shall
The money saved and money spent
The early morning arguments

Is this a modern love affair!
Is this a modern love affair!

Now if I shrug my shoulders
And only pass the time of day
It's more than wine and roses could ever say
Though I might sulk and you may brood, just thank
God it's me and you

Is this a modern love affair!
Is this a modern love affair!
The one they tell you to beware of

We asked for Mother's handouts, you ask and we shall
get (Repeat)

Is this a modern love affair!
Is this a modern love affair!
The one they tell you to beware of

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