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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

So long, lost loves.
I haven't forgotten you, just yet.
I hung your picture before I knew, next to scenes set in golden hues.
Your face, still drifting inside my head.
The weight is gone, heavy words that I could have said.
I sang instead when other girls only cried.
I called it grace.
I am a mindless child.
But I said: He's treating me right.
You're gone.
What's left?
Memories of greater days just bang.
Look on, you say.
Build together the obvious clues.
Taught you: skip the series of laid out rules.
Go sing outside, as clouds raining spark the night.
That's how we met.
Was it the greatest day of this life?
I said: (S)he's treating me right.
We're just a little bit lost inside our bones.
We're just a little unkept out in the streets.
But I won't ever pass up a second to tell you replacement's a myth.
'Cause I know when the kids are all grown we will still have this blue and gold print.

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