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 Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Another wasted night and I'm out of my head
We watch the cars go by from the sidewalk
It's like a hundred below, and I'm dressed for the bar
But we sing each other warm, we're dancing sideways

The whole way home
Laughed about the things we tried
The bridge it felt like five miles wide, yeah
And we yelled across
I'm out of my head

It's been a terrible week and I'm almost dead
I lie awake and stare into nothing
It's just the neon green glow of the clock in my eyes
And I'm counting down the seconds till nine turns zero

As the dawn breaks
I'm counting sheep, I could live off them for a while, oh
I'm asleep at the wheel
Exploring the sunrise, I could live like that for a while, oh

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