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Allman Brothers Band, The
By dickey betts
Copyright 1970 unichappell inc. and f. r. betts music (bmi)
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you hear it? love is in the air.
We're in a revolution. don't you know we're right.
Everyone is singing. yeah! there'll be no one to fight.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
Love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.
People can you feel it? love is everywhere.

All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only.
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