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Act Fast
Can you hear me calling into the night
Screaming at the skies
And calling out your name
Can you see me standing so close it hurts my eyes
And i realize
How your really so far away

Im here today
Gone tomorrow to yesterday
Wishing i were with you
Remember when
It was you and me and what couldve been
Im wishing i was still with you

Tell me am i dreaming
Is this a fantasy
It seems like it was never meant happen
And like you never wanted it to be

I know that this will never bring you back
I dont even know if i would want it to
What we had is gone i know,
Days went so fast and nights so slow
Nights filled with dreams of you

It came and went to fast
Our first day was the last
Id ever spend with you
Looking back
Into the past
I know that it is over...

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